Condition Assessment (CAss)
Condition Assessment (CAss) is one time assessment of the condition of an asset. It’s different from Condition Monitoring. In CAss there is No need to maintain Trend of periodic records, just because they do not have any fault that gradually increases. In such assets, we have to know whether there is a fault or not. For Example, in Electric Panels there is no point in recording temperature at electrical contact due to contact resistance due to loose connection periodically. In such cases, we can’t keep watching the gradual increase in temperature at electrical contact, rather we just want to know whether there is contact resistance or not. Hereafter knowing about the fault, we need to act and sort out the issue. Hence, CAss is done where the trend of periodic data is not necessary.
The same techniques we use in Condition Monitoring, we use here. Viz. Vibration Measurement, Vibration Probing Study, Thermography, Ultrasound Analysis, Oil Analysis, NDT Techniques.
CAss of Bearings, Motors, Gearboxes, Pumps, Compressors, Blowers like dynamic equipments.
Cass of Transformer, Compressed Air Lines, Steam Traps, Transmission Towers like Static Equipments
Yearly or 5 years contract of periodic Condition Assessment of dynamic or static equipment.