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Tankers, Containers & Ship Hatches

Ship Hatches

CAss of Tankers

Condition Assessment (CAss) or Tightness testing of  Tankers is important.  In the case of Speciality/hazardous Chemical Tankers or Milk Tankers, there may be leaks in the Lead, Valve fittings & at welding joints of the tanker. The fluid inside the tanker gets wasted if leaked. But the major issue is the contamination of fluid inside tankers.  The leaks may carry contamination from outside to the fluid inside.

The Hazardous Chemical tanker should be leak proof to maintain safety. The leaks in Milk Tankers may contaminate the quality of milk. Bacteria proliferate in those cracks and contaminate the milk. It directly affects the health of the people.

Ultrasound Assessment detects even a minute leak from these enclosures of tankers through Lids, Valves & Welding joints. After detecting the exact point of these leaks, corrective actions can be taken to eliminate the leaks.

CAss of Containers

Condition Assessment (CAss) or Tightness testing of Containers is important.

The shipping containers travel many days & months through the sea. Even minute leakages in the container can contaminate the air inside. This will lead to affect the substance placed inside the container and hence, tightness testing is important in containers.

Ultrasound Assessment detects leaks even in microns in these containers through the door edges and welding joints. The container owners can get these containers checked for tightness testing before the container is loaded with items. We provide certificates of tightness for every container after inspection.

CAss of Ship Hatches

Ship Hatches needs tightness testing. Otherwise, the weather at sea can damage the material inside. Ultrasound Inspection serves the purpose of tightness testing of Ship Hatches.

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