Infrared Thermography
Thermography is the most useful technique for Condition Monitoring. There is a wide range of applications of Thermography in industry. Condition Monitoring of most of the static equipment is possible with Thermography.
The important thing to note here is Thermography doesn’t mean checking hot spots & the temperature readings shown in Thermal Camera may not be true. There are few factors like Emissivity of the object, Distance between the object & Thermal Camera, Reflectivity of the object, affects the reading in the thermal camera. For Example, the actual temperature of 90º C bare Aluminum Bus Bars may read 40º C in Thermal Camera. (Please see the video herewith supporting this statement.) Therefore, It needs a certified & experienced thermographer to do a thermal inspection.
We conduct thermography (Thermal Inspection) of any given system in the plant, viz. Steam Traps & Steam System, Insulated Pipelines, Electrical Panel, cables, Boilers, Furnaces, Refractories, Pipelines for clogging, Corona/ Tracking/ Arcing in high voltage electrical equipment (Transformers, Substations, Electric Panels) & transmission towers, Dynamic Equipment like Motors, Gearboxes, Compressors, Pumps, Blowers, Storage Tanks & many such.
We have expert, certified Thermographers & many thermal camera’s with different ranges to carry thermal inspection of the given system in the plant.