Installation Inspection
The installation of the machinery plays a major role in the failure rate of the machines. If we see the bathtub curve, we see mortality (failure) rate is higher at the beginning age of the asset. The major reason for the higher infant mortality rate is the defective installation of the equipment.
Few of the defect remains forever with the equipment, like defects in foundation compromising rigidity/ baserail deformations. These types of defects can be repaired while the installation of equipment only. Once the production has started, it is difficult to do this repair work. The baserail deformations are adjusted in the alignment of equipment.
Many of the future failures can be eliminated just by installing the equipment the right way. Hence, it is necessary to get the installation inspected before starting the production. Another major usage of this inspection is to create Baseline Data of that equipment. This baseline data becomes helpful in throughout the life of the equipment. In case of any failures or symptom of failures in future, the readings then can be compared with the baseline data to conclude on condition of the equipment.
Our Installation Inspection includes Inspection/testings to check,
- Rigidity of the foundation
- Soft Foot Conditions
- Base rail deformation
- Fastening of the equipment with base rail.
- Supply Cable Strain
- Piping Strain in case of Pump
- Alignment
- Transferred vibration from other equipment
- Vibration Resonance (Natural Vibration Frequency of Assembly)
- Operating & Ambient Conditions
These inspection/testings detect the defects in installation (those may turnout as fatigue issues) and those can be eliminated at the beginning itself. This installation inspection & corrective actions therefore ensures longer & healthy life of the equipment.