Gas Pipelines
The Gas Leaks through Valves, Flanges, Couplings, Plugs & Caps, Elbows, T’s, Reducers, Pipelines due to damage or corrosion or improper joints, can be detected easily by a combination of techniques, Thermography & Ultrasound Inspection.
This inspection can be done from distance, even from 30 meters, and that makes it easier and faster detection of leaks and also, it makes overhead pipeline leak detection possible. To do this inspection, the thermal camera should have a telephoto lens & Ultrasound Instrument should have Parabolic Sensor.
Leak Testing of Piped Natural Gas Pipelines (PNG), Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) Pipelines or any other gas pipelines can be done & even a minute leak can be detected, with Combination of Thermography & Ultrasound Inspection.