Structural Platform
In Industries many times the plant is installed on fabricated platform structure. In few industries like texturising or chemical plants, the process machinery is vertical. The rotating/ reciprocating machinery installed on such platforms obviously cause vibration in the structure.
Poor Welding joints, Poor Fastenings, looseness due to corrosion & Wrong or insufficient supports are weak points in the structure. These weak points cause vibration to amplify in multiplications at the equipment/ machines. This results in failure of the machines placed on such platforms due to excessive vibration.
When machines fails due to weak points in fabricated structure, the machine alignment, balancing of rotor is blamed and corrective actions are taken by repairing the machine. That creates opposite vibration and hence, the vibration at first place is being damped. The root cause is not eliminated but it remains there & may be the reason for some more equipment on fabricated floor levels.
Hence, It is necessary to inspect the rigidity of structure from grouting till top floor. Assessment of rigidness of such platform can be done with Vibration Measurement Technique.
The structure is inspected from the ground foundation upwards and across all the joints. The Soft Foot conditions, Weak Joints, loose joints in the structure are being detected. This inspection helps in strengthening structural weaknesses & making the structure strong enough.
We have a team of trained & experienced engineers for inspection of fabricated structures. First of all study of the complete structure is done, then coding of levels and joints is done for identification. Every joint is given a unique code. Then rigidity inspection is done and weak/loose joints are being detected. These weak joints are marked with color and also, report with list of weak joints is submitted to customer. After correction of these listed weak joints, the joints are inspected again to confirm the correction.
Such inspection of fabricated structure is necessary once in a year to avoid accidents, failures of the machines and to improve reliability of the plant machinery.