Condition Assessment of Bearings
The major difference between CM of bearings & CAss of bearings is Condition Assessment of Bearing (CAss) is a one-time process only & it only confirms the condition of the bearing at that particular instant. It confirms, whether the bearing is faulty or not. Condition Assessment is done randomly any time when CM of bearings is not at place. The volume of bearing replacement is more after CAss (as compared to CM of bearings), as it reveals faulty bearings.
But Condition Monitoring (CM) of Bearing is done on healthy bearing to know about the inception of fault in any of the bearing at a very early stage. The volume of bearing replacement is lesser after condition monitoring events of data collection (as compared with condition assessment) as it reveals the faults at the inception stage and hence, just by replacing lubricant (even online) the problem gets sorted out in many conditions.
The condition assessment is done in the first place during CM contracts, to learn about the condition of each bearing to correct it, as condition monitoring is carried out only on healthy bearings. There is no point in monitoring the condition of faulty bearings.
Assessment of Condition of Bearings gives clarity about the condition of inner/outer races & rollers in the bearings. Unlike in CM of bearings, Vibration Analysis is the major technique used in CAss of Bearings along with Ultrasound Analysis & Thermography. This is because here we can spend the necessary time for analysis of vibration data (FFT & Time Waveform analysis) as only a few bearings are to be inspected.
CAss of bearings generates base data for that bearing & then the same can be used in condition monitoring of the same bearing or for RCSA/ RCFA of the same bearing.