CBM (PdM) Contracts
Entrusting CBM contract to us means relieving yourself which means the equipment under CBM will be our babies, which means your worries are ours.
Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) or Predictive Maintenance (PdM) is the 3rd revolution of Maintenance. But even today it is never implemented properly in industries. We promise to establish correct & real CBM practices in your plant.
CBM is a process of detecting the introduction of a fault in an asset at the initial stage, finding the root cause of that fault then take corrective action to restore the condition of the asset back to health and then conduct condition based preventive maintenance to restrict the reoccurrence of the same fault.
CBM – Condition Based Maintenance, RCSA – Root Cause Symptom Analysis, CM – Condition Monitoring, CBPM – Condition Based Preventive Maintenance, CA – Corrective Action
This is the basic definition but in actual condition, we have to add Condition Assessment & Corrective Actions at the beginning of the process. CM is done on healthy machines & not on faulty machines (Please refer to CM Contracts). Hence, it is necessary to examine the condition of assets first & then correct it and then start with Condition Monitoring (CM) as an ongoing process. Whenever any symptom is detected in the Trend of CM, the RCSA is conducted to find the root cause. The root cause may be eliminated by conducting CBPM or CA.
CBM = CAss + CA + CM + RCSA + CBPM + CA
CBM – Condition Based Maintenance, CAss – Condition Assessment, RCSA – Root Cause Symptom Analysis, CM – Condition Monitoring, CBPM – Condition Based Preventive Maintenance, CA – Corrective action
For a contract, you have to select & list critical equipment in your plant those undergoing Condition Based Maintenance. That’s it…
Following steps will be followed under CBM contract,
- Condition Assessment (CAss) of components of all listed equipment
- Detection of Faults/ Symptoms
- Conducting Root Cause Symptom Analysis (RCSA)
- Corrective Actions
- Ongoing Condition Monitoring
- Detection of symptom/ early indication of fault
- Conducting RCSA
- Corrective Actions/ Preventive Actions
- CM continued ………
We have expertise in each field listed above. We have experience of more than 32+ years in refurbishing equipment like Electric Motors, Pumps, Gearboxes, Blowers, Transformers, & that too up to rating 20000 kW & 11000 volts. Hence, we can assure you about the rectification work.