CBM of Air Blower
The Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) of Air Blowers includes CM of Air Blowers, RCA and CAPA. The major faults in Air blowers include Unbalance Fan, Bent Shaft, Soft Foot, Base Rail Deformation, Unequal Belt Tensions & Misaligned Pulleys (in case of belt drives), Mis-alignment, Air – Turbulence, Motor & Blower Bearings Failures, Motor Winding Failures, Motor Shaft Failure, Motor Stator Core Failure, etc.
CBM includes Condition Assessment of components of the blower at the beginning followed by restoration of faulty components then starting with the Condition Monitoring of components like Bearings of Blower Shaft, Blower Fan, Blower Housing, Motor Bearings, Motor Windings, Foundation, Base Rail, etc. Keeping a Trend Analysis, RCSA of early detected faults followed by Condition Based Preventive Maintenance and/or Corrective Actions.
CBM = CAss & CA + CM + RCSA + CBPA &/or CA
The CM techniques include Vibration Probing Study, Vibration Measurement, Ultrasound Measurement & Thermography.
The Corrective Actions which could be carried out mainly are In-Situ Balancing of Fan, Replacement of Bearings, Repair of Foundation/Base Rail, Laser Alignment, Replacement/ Repair of Shaft, etc.