CBM of Compressed Air System
CBM of Compressed Air System includes Condition Assessment of Compressed Air System Leaks & Corrective Actions. It is CAss of Compressed Air Lines (piping), Valves, Joints/ Elbows/ Tee’s/ Couplings/ Hoses/ Regulators/ Disconnects/ other fittings etc. The condition assessment (CAss) followed by corrective actions, viz. Repair & sealing of leaks, replacement of pipes/tubes/fittings/couplings/drains/traps etc. and rectification of leaks.
Condition Assessment of Compressed Air Systems is commonly called as Compressed Air Leak Detection. We use instrument SDT 270 to carry survey of leak detection of Compressed Air Systems. Tags are placed at every detected leak & then corrective action taken by either replacement of part (if the leak is major) or sealing the leaks.
When Compressed Air Lines are running overhead & not in nearby vicinity…
For overhead lines, we have SDT Parabolic Sensor (Antenna) with which we can detect compressed air leakage from 30 meters away from the compressed air system.