CBM of Gearboxes
CBM of Gearboxes includes Condition Monitoring of Gearboxes & CAPA (Here the Condition Monitoring includes RCA).
The CM of GB is done with the techniques Vibration Analysis, Ultrasound Measurement & Thermography. Vibration Analysis is not a CM tool but for gearboxes, there is no other option available then adopting this tedious & time taking method. Therefore, unlike other equipment, the CM of gearboxes is a tedious & time-consuming process. We have to spend a day or half to get the data of a GB in this process. The amplitude of each Gear Mesh frequency has to be trended in this case.
The Corrective Actions includes Reversing the Gears, Replacement of Gears, Replacement of Bearings, Repair of Bearing Housings, Replacement of Gear Oil, Input/ Output Shaft Repairs, etc.
The Preventive Action includes Modification of GB for CM, Usage of Additives, etc. Faults like Gears Back Lashes, Wear of Gear Teeth, Gear Alignment, Faulty Bearings, Concave Bearings, Whining/Hauling, Lubrication issues are taken care of in the CBM process.