CBM of Pumps
Condition Based Maintenance – CBM of Pump is also called Predictive Maintenance – PdM of Pump. The CBM of pump (Pump CBM) includes CM of pump with the techniques Ultrasound Measurements, Vibration Probing Study, Vibration Measurements & Thermography and RCA, CAPA.
The Faults that can be detected at a very early stage are Pump Cavitation, Impeller Imbalance, Bent Shaft, Piping Strain, Soft Foot, etc.
As explained in CM of Pump, Condition Based Maintenance or Predictive Maintenance of Pump includes not only CBM of Pump but CBM of Motor too. Hence, we can call it as CBM of the Pump-Motor Unit. Please refer to the CM of Pump to know about condition monitoring of pump-motor unit in details.
CBM of Pump Unit = CAss of Pump + CAss of Motor + Corrective Actions + CM of Pump + CM of Motor + Trend of CM readings + RCSA + CAPA
Pump unit Condition Based Maintenance or Pump unit Predictive Maintenance – It starts with condition assessment of Pump & Motor and vibration probing study of complete unit. If any anomalies are found then corrective action is taken to restore the healthy condition of Pump & Motor. Periodic Condition Monitoring visits for Pump & Motor starts, once the healthiness of the whole system is achieved & confirmed. Trend of each reading is maintained. If the trend shows any abnormality in readings (Symptom of inception of fault) then Root Cause Symptom Analysis is carried out to learn the exact cause of problem & then CAPA (Corrective Actions Preventive Actions) is conducted to restore the Pump-Motor assembly to its original healthy state. After this, CM continues…..