Expert Manpower Contract
Outsourcing your regular Condition Monitoring work is maybe your requirement. You may not have certified trained manpower with you. You can trust the job to us.
We have a team of certified experts in different disciplines, like Vibration Analysis, Thermography, Ultrasound Analysis etc. And the important thing to mention here, each of our engineer is an expert & is certified in two or more disciplines, having enough experience of condition monitoring. That means our every expert is a Vibration Analyst, Ultrasound Analyst & Thermographer too.
The Condition Monitoring is done with a combination of techniques & a single technique may not be that effective to assure the reliability of the asset.
For a contract, you have to select,
- The equipment/ machines undergoing condition monitoring – Normally, the most important & essential machines for production are being selected for CM. The decision also may depend upon repetitive failures, huge spending of any particular part (bearings) etc. Here, as experts, we will decide which CM technique needs to be used.
- Number of engineers you want to execute this job
- Whether you want, only experts (& you will provide instrument) or experts & instruments both.
- Whether you need only Trend Analysis (Condition Monitoring) or Condition Monitoring with Root Cause analysis.
Under this contract, our experts (Vibration Analysts/Ultrasound Analysts/Thermographer) will visit daily to your plant to conduct condition monitoring of given equipment & will submit Trend Analysis Reports of the parameters of the parts under CM of the given equipment. The reports will include conclusions on the condition of equipment & suggestions.
The contract period may be of a Year, 3 Years or 5 Years.