Condition Monitoring Contracts
Condition Monitoring Contracts
First of all, let us be clear with the basic that CM of Component is done and not of the machine/equipment. For example, it is not the motor that fails, the bearing of the motor fails or the winding of the motor fails or the shaft of the motor that fails or the rotor of that motor that fails. Hence it is necessary to monitor the condition of Bearings, Windings, Shaft, Core, Bearing Housings, Rotor, Coupling, Base Rail, Fastening, & Foundation of the motor.
We undertake CM contracts of components of the equipment. It is our practice to conduct FMEA of components of given equipment, carry Condition Assessment followed by corrective actions & then decide on a combination of CM techniques for every component & frequency of CM.
Condition Monitoring is never done on faulty machines. It is inane to do CM on machines of which we know the condition already is faulty.
The purpose of Condition Monitoring is to keep an eye on a healthy machine, in order to know the introduction of the fault much earlier before functional failure.
For a contract, you have to select & list,
- The critical equipment undergoing Condition Monitoring, Viz. Bearings, Motors, Gearboxes, Pumps, Compressors, Turbines, & Static Equipment. etc.
- Total Contract Period – Year 3 or 5 Years
Our CM team will visit your plant and,
- Will assess the condition of the listed equipment
- Suggest you the corrective actions
- Will confirm the condition of defective equipment after corrective actions
- Will do 1st CM visit & generate Base Data of the condition of components of given equipment.
- Will set up the CM visit frequency for each equipment.
- Continue with CM visits & data collection
- Will maintain the trend of readings of data of different parameters of each component of each equipment in the list
- Will report about the rising trend of any parameter to the customer with suggestions.
Normally, CM is followed by RCA. This means, after detecting a rising trend of any parameter of a component of equipment, it becomes necessary to know the root cause.
(There is an unethical approach shown by many practicing CM professionals. They conclude on root causes easily without studying the evidence & based on the instrument i.e., their instrument suggest the root causes. This is an inaccurate conclusion & corrective action based on these decisions may not eliminate the root cause but it dampens the cause & gives temporary relief. It may also lead to taking costlier corrective actions many times.)
There is one more point to be noted here is while collecting data of a parameter from a component of an equipment, it is necessary to collect data from the same place on the component from the same instrument & sensor (From same distance & angle in case of contactless sensor) every time while collecting the data. Otherwise, the trend will be false & inaccurate and will mislead.
It is necessary to conduct proper RCA to learn the root cause & to select proper & effective corrective action.
You can have the option of selecting the RCA along with CM. Thus we offer customers two options as below for CM Contracts.
- Only CM Visits & Trend Analysis
- CM Visits (Trend Analysis) & RCA
Under the contract with the second option, our experts will carry RCA after getting the rising parameter of a component & will suggest corrective actions based on root causes.