HT Motors Electrical Testings
The Electrical testing of HV/MV Electrical Motors helps in knowing the condition of the motor. Almost all the testing’s except MCSA are offline testing. We render the following services in HV/MV motor testing,
- Tan δ & Capacitance Testing – This test is conducted to understand the condition of HV/MV insulation quality. Tan Delta & Capacitance Test (Dissipation Factor) measures the degree of real power dissipation (or losses) in a dielectric material.
- MCSA – Motor Current Signature Analysis Test – This test is conducted to understand the condition of the Bar Winding of the Cage Rotor of the motor. This test also tells us about the eccentricity of the rotor.
- Polarisation Index Testing – This test helps in knowing about the contamination in the insulation of windings. This ratio should be above 2 always.
- Surge Comparison Testing – This test detects even minute Inter-turn Short in the coils of the stator winding. It also detects inter- coil short. This test is much more helpful for us to understand the exact condition of winding. Motor keep on operating with inter-turn & inter -coil shorts as these are at the same voltage levels & in phase. This Test also detects loose connections in the windings.
- Winding Resistance Testing – This test gives us values of resistances of each phase of the stator winding of the motor. The Comparison of phase resistances helps to know about the loose connection at any winding connections, lead connections, inter-turn shorts, inter coil shorts.
- Partial Discharge Testing – This testing detects even minute partial discharges from winding to the body (earth). Partial Discharge activity provides evidence that an asset is deteriorating in a way that is very likely to lead to failure. The process of deterioration can propagate and increase until the insulation is no longer able to withstand the electrical stress, therefore, leading to flashover.
We have duly calibrated, state of the art instruments for all these testing.