Prescriptive Maintenance (RxM)
With 4th Industrial Revolution, i.e. Industry 4.0, the maintenance too has entered into 4th Maintenance Revolution i.e. Maintenance 4.0. This 4th Maintenance Revolution Philosophy is Prescriptive Maintenance.
Prescriptive maintenance, abbreviated as RxM, is a maintenance concept that collects and analyzes data about an equipment’s condition to come up with specialized recommendations and corresponding outcomes to reduce operational risks.
Prescriptive Maintenance (RxM) is nothing but an improved & extended version of Predictive Maintenance (PdM). The analysis of data in Predictive Maintenance is manual, whereas the analysis in Prescriptive Maintenance is computerized.
Predictive maintenance employs the use of sensors to precisely collect CM data describing an asset’s condition and overall operational state. The data can then be analyzed manually to predict when failure events will occur.

Prescriptive maintenance takes this analysis an edge higher by not only predicting failure events but also recommending exact actions to be taken by using it’s built-in intelligence. Prescriptive maintenance leverages advanced software to pattern identification points to analyse & diagnose root cause issues and then suggest perfect actions..
The Artificial Intelligence (AI) plays a major role in Prescriptive maintenance (RxM) so as Industrial Internet of things (IIoT), Machine Learning (ML), Deep Learning (DL), Analytics Software and Real Time Condition Monitoring (RTCM) etc.
When anybody is searching ‘Condition monitoring using iiot’ or ‘iot condition monitoring’ or ‘wireless condition monitoring’ or ‘wireless condition monitoring systems’ they are asking information about ‘Real Time Condition Monitoring Systems’ only. The cloud computing is being used by many RTCM softwares. The RTCM or RxM software analyse the data collected from the permanent sensors mounted on machines, carry root cause analysis based on the analytics & pattern identification and then suggest corrective actions if required any. The data is made available at any where in the world through iiot systems.
The RxM/Organic Maintenance 4.0 Software is under development stage with us. Meanwhile, we design, supply, install & commission the RTCM systems for our customers.