Asset Management Solutions
Asset Integrity Management is today’s important topic in Industry 4.0. We have almost all solutions in Asset Integrity Management. Our innovation, Organic Maintenance 4.0 (OM 4.0) supports a company to maintain almost every asset in their plant. We have almost every type of asset management solutions; viz. Condition Assessment (CaSS), Condition Based Maintenance (CBM), Condition Monitoring (CM), Real Time Condition Monitoring (RTCM), and almost each tool of CM/CBM like Vibration Analysis, Thermography, Ultrasound Analysis, Oil Analysis, NDT Techniques, & Root Cause Analysis. We have Corrective Action solutions like Laser Alignment, In-Situ Balancing, Acoustic Greasing, Bearing Replacements, Part Replacements. We do have solutions like Modification of machines for provisions of CM & PM. We have a large shop floor equipped with all necessary machinery & equipment for refurbishing Electric Motors up to 20 MW/ 11 kV, Gear Boxes, Pumps & Blowers.